Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Let's Weave It Out"


As African American women remain the leading consumers of a nearly 9 billion dollar a year hair  industry, the idea of good and bad always find themselves at odds.  Many women consider extensions, weaves and wigs a gift from God.  Some women are die-hards to wearing naturally healthy hair.  Given the freedom to go beyond your natural hair limitations makes alot of women's envy dreams come to life with style choices that are limitless.  As true reality sets in, we understand that beauty runs deeper than the skin.  We hope to clear up from a professional point of view what makes a weave good or bad.  I found a perfect salon center representing healthy hair care in areas of styling, designing and maintenance to use as a true basis to gather my data.   After the hair therapist at LaJoyce's conducted interviews with 35 African American women in the salon therapy center who wear weaves or extensions on a regular basis, they reported some very interesting data.

@ LaJoyce's Coiffures